The Need for Art

Like many people, I ended up homeschooling during the COVID pandemic. In cramming on how to be the best teacher possible to my kids (Oh god please don’t ask me for help with quadratic equations! How did I end up with two math genius kids? They certainly didn’t get it from me!!), I picked up Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating, Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play by Mitchel Resnick. It wasn’t quite what I was expecting but I am enjoying it.

Why Sub Rosa?

Sometimes when you are writing or working on a creative project things just come to you as THE WAY THINGS ARE. There is no arguing with them and you just can’t change them. Sometimes it’s a character getting unruly and other times it’s the title of the book. In many ways, Sub Rosa is an awful title for my book. Almost across the board, my beta readers thought that title should be in the romance genre.